Cooli Touch Screen lifePO4 Battery New features
Table of Contents
LifePO4 Battery with Touch Screen Selection Protocol
The screen adopts a touch screen, and you can touch the screen to select the protocol to realize the convenient replacement of inverter brands, jagħmilha kompatibbli mal-komunikazzjoni.
Għażla Multi-Lingwi
It-touch screen jippermetti għażla f'diversi lingwi (Ċiniż, Ingliż, Spanjol, Ġermaniż, Burmiż, Vjetnamiż, Tajlandiż, Indoneżjan, Taljan; eċċ.–👉👉Leave your country in the comments, we can customize it according to your needs more languages) biex jiffaċilita l-klijenti u l-utenti biex jagħżlu.
EVE A Grade Battery cells
The battery uses EVE A grade battery cells, li aħna nikkooperaw direttament magħhom u nixtru mingħand EVE.
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