HV Stacked Battery Module

  • 13 Snin Fabbrika Professjonali bil 3 bini.
  • ISO9001, UL,il-021,IEC, CE, UN38.3, Ċertifikati MSDS.
  • Ċelluli tal-batterija ġodda sħaħ grad A+.
  • Riċerka u żvilupp indipendenti tal-BMS

Stacked Battery Product advantages
1.Easy installation simnleoperation, can be directly stacked.
3.Kompatibbli ma 'aktar minn 20 inverter brands, and more brands are coming soon.
4.Convenient wiring, farewell to traditional high-voltage complex wiring system

Cooli HV Stacked Battery Module (51.2V-512V )

Ċelluli ta' Grad A ġodda sħaħ,ħajja tad-disinn 20 snin.

Kompatibbli ma 'aktar minn 30 marki inverter, interface RS232,RS485,JISTGĦU.

Use of Series connection from 2 to 10 modules.

Ip65 Protection indoor or outdoor application.


Kwalità Eċċellenti : Uża l-kwalità taċ-ċelloli tal-Grad A+ . Ghandek ISO9001, UL, il-021,IEC, CE, UN38.3, Ċertifikati MSDS.


Stacked Battery


51.2V-512V HV Stacked LifePO4 batteries for Home

1. Allow up to 10 batteries.

2. Easy installation simnleoperation, can be directly stacked.

3.Kompatibbli ma 'aktar minn 20 inverter brands, and more brands are coming soon.

4.Convenient wiring, farewell to traditional high-voltage complex wiring system



Stacked Battery

51.2V-512V High Voltage Stacked LifePO4 Battery Modules

Model number
Rated voltage (V)
Rated capacity (Ah)
52AH (25℃ 0.5C discharge)
In series quantity
Max charging voltage (V)
57.6 (Customzied)
Max charging current (A)
Kurrent ta 'skarigu massimu (A)
Battery overcharge protection (V)
57.6 (Customzied)
Battery overdischarge protection (V)
40 (Customzied)
Charging temperature protection Upper limit (°C)
55 (Customzied)
Lower limit of charging temperature protection (°C)
0 (Customzied)
Upper limit of discharge temperature protection (°C)
70 (Customzied)
Lower limit of discharge temperature protection (°C)
-20 (Customzied)
Battery cycle
Fire protection module
Maximum equilibrium current (mA)
Size (mm)
600 X 300 X 190 (cm)
Piż (kg)

Stacked Battery

Batterija tal-Ħażna tad-Dar

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